In the 20th year of Heisei, a homicide was discovered under the national highway overpass in Shizuoka Prefecture. The police officer from the Shizuoka Prefectural Police Station, who investigated this case, discovered that in the 49th year of the Showa era, Sato had already divorced his wife, and his young son, Odahata Shou, who lived in Shizuoka at the time, had passed away due to a kidnapping and murder case. The timeliness of this event is
In the 20th year of Heisei, a homicide was discovered under the national highway overpass in Shizuoka Prefecture. The police officer from the Shizuoka Prefectural Police Station, who investigated this case, discovered that in the 49th year of the Showa era, Sato had already divorced his wife, and his young son, Odahata Shou, who lived in Shizuoka at the time, had passed away due to a kidnapping and murder case. The timeliness of this event is