The drama tells the story of a young girl named Xiaokui who coincidentally obtains a treasure, the Spirit Pearl. She does not want to break through the Tang Dynasty's male fox Bai Xiao's chance to become an immortal and also cause a fatal accident. The Spirit Pearl has descended, and various demons and monsters are vying for it one after another. However, Xiaokui is completely unaware of the numerous crises, and Bai Xiao has to protect Xiaokui and the Spirit Pearl. A cold faced fox spirit from the Tang Dynasty
The drama tells the story of a young girl named Xiaokui who coincidentally obtains a treasure, the Spirit Pearl. She does not want to break through the Tang Dynasty's male fox Bai Xiao's chance to become an immortal and also cause a fatal accident. The Spirit Pearl has descended, and various demons and monsters are vying for it one after another. However, Xiaokui is completely unaware of the numerous crises, and Bai Xiao has to protect Xiaokui and the Spirit Pearl. A cold faced fox spirit from the Tang Dynasty