The story takes place in a world where power and power are paramount. It tells the story of how many years ago, Zong Shuai from Zhongzhou, Wan Yanzang from the north, and Wen Taiji from the south competed for supremacy. Due to heavy losses suffered by each family, they established a 20-year ceasefire agreement. At present, the 20-year contract is approaching, and a new round of conquest is surging in the dark. Three mutual benefits
The story takes place in a world where power and power are paramount. It tells the story of how many years ago, Zong Shuai from Zhongzhou, Wan Yanzang from the north, and Wen Taiji from the south competed for supremacy. Due to heavy losses suffered by each family, they established a 20-year ceasefire agreement. At present, the 20-year contract is approaching, and a new round of conquest is surging in the dark. Three mutual benefits