Yuta Murano, Taoshiaki Kanzaki, Kazushin Furukawa, Watanabe Wataru, Hiroki Negishi
Total of 12 Episode
Sakamoto Takashi (voiced by Akira Mizumi) is named Diablo in the game. With superb operational skills, he has terrifying abilities and is known as the "demon king" by other players. In an accident, Tuo Zhen actually came into the world of the game, where he met Sera (voiced by Qin Zeyou) and
Sakamoto Takashi (voiced by Akira Mizumi) is named Diablo in the game. With superb operational skills, he has terrifying abilities and is known as the "demon king" by other players. In an accident, Tuo Zhen actually came into the world of the game, where he met Sera (voiced by Qin Zeyou) and