Super idol Jin Hu Liang (played by Jin Hu Liang) from the popular group "Guan 8" has fallen in love with a single mother named Hua Cun Yao (played by Youxiang) who works in a convenience store. Yao is older than Jinhu and has three little brats, but none of this can stop Jinhu from deciding to marry her. But Yao's three children are not happy about their mother's and idol's marriage
Super idol Jin Hu Liang (played by Jin Hu Liang) from the popular group "Guan 8" has fallen in love with a single mother named Hua Cun Yao (played by Youxiang) who works in a convenience store. Yao is older than Jinhu and has three little brats, but none of this can stop Jinhu from deciding to marry her. But Yao's three children are not happy about their mother's and idol's marriage