Pan Yiming (played by Wu Zhenyu), who is in Macau, unexpectedly receives a will from his father who has not seen him for 30 years. His father leaves him a huge inheritance and demands that Pan Yiming attend a funeral in order to inherit. He followed his will and returned to the small town in southern China where he was born. Here, there is his former lover Lin Yue (played by Ren Suxi)
Pan Yiming (played by Wu Zhenyu), who is in Macau, unexpectedly receives a will from his father who has not seen him for 30 years. His father leaves him a huge inheritance and demands that Pan Yiming attend a funeral in order to inherit. He followed his will and returned to the small town in southern China where he was born. Here, there is his former lover Lin Yue (played by Ren Suxi)