With long black hair and a sinister aura emanating from her body, a high school girl known as "Sadako," Ryuko Kuruma (voiced by Minamoto Mamiko), with the help of a cheerful young man named Katsura Hayata (voiced by Daisuke Langchuan), not only did she make two good friends, Ayaka Yano (voiced by Miyuki Zecheng) and Chikawa Yoshida (voiced by Mizumi Sanpei)
With long black hair and a sinister aura emanating from her body, a high school girl known as "Sadako," Ryuko Kuruma (voiced by Minamoto Mamiko), with the help of a cheerful young man named Katsura Hayata (voiced by Daisuke Langchuan), not only did she make two good friends, Ayaka Yano (voiced by Miyuki Zecheng) and Chikawa Yoshida (voiced by Mizumi Sanpei)