Xu Min (played by Tong Liya), who appears to have a successful career and both children, has an unspeakable secret: she has been subjected to long-term domestic violence by her husband Chen Jun (played by Wu Yuhan). Xu Min is not the victim that everyone imagines. She is resolute, brave, and has her own career, struggling with lawyer Li Xiaomeng (played by Wang Yinglu) in an attempt to resist
Xu Min (played by Tong Liya), who appears to have a successful career and both children, has an unspeakable secret: she has been subjected to long-term domestic violence by her husband Chen Jun (played by Wu Yuhan). Xu Min is not the victim that everyone imagines. She is resolute, brave, and has her own career, struggling with lawyer Li Xiaomeng (played by Wang Yinglu) in an attempt to resist