The third season of "Ace vs. Ace" is a large-scale original indoor competitive reality show launched by Zhejiang TV, produced by the Zhejiang TV Program Center. The program consists of 12 episodes. Wang Yuan and Shen Teng were appointed as the ace captains of the two teams, Jia Ling and Ouyang Nana were appointed as the ace agents of the two teams, and Shen Tao served as the host. Each episode of the program revolves around a theme
The third season of "Ace vs. Ace" is a large-scale original indoor competitive reality show launched by Zhejiang TV, produced by the Zhejiang TV Program Center. The program consists of 12 episodes. Wang Yuan and Shen Teng were appointed as the ace captains of the two teams, Jia Ling and Ouyang Nana were appointed as the ace agents of the two teams, and Shen Tao served as the host. Each episode of the program revolves around a theme