The story revolves around the lily relationship between a high school girl named Canine God Yachiyoshi (voiced by Uzaka Jin) and Mao Shan Ling (voiced by Toyama Naoyao). Although the name contains the word "dog", the Eight Thousand Generation actually loves cats very much and is a "dog like cat pie"; And the proud and coquettish girl Mao Shantong, who has a personality like a cat and is prone to shyness
The story revolves around the lily relationship between a high school girl named Canine God Yachiyoshi (voiced by Uzaka Jin) and Mao Shan Ling (voiced by Toyama Naoyao). Although the name contains the word "dog", the Eight Thousand Generation actually loves cats very much and is a "dog like cat pie"; And the proud and coquettish girl Mao Shantong, who has a personality like a cat and is prone to shyness