Ami (played by Yuki Tanaka), Sakura (played by Yuki Kikuchi), Fumi (played by Ayako Mihara), and Chun (played by Lila Kawamura) are very good friends. Whenever they have free time, the four of them will travel together, and their friendship is very strong. Amin is a nurse who is still unmarried, although there is not a lack of suitors around him,
Ami (played by Yuki Tanaka), Sakura (played by Yuki Kikuchi), Fumi (played by Ayako Mihara), and Chun (played by Lila Kawamura) are very good friends. Whenever they have free time, the four of them will travel together, and their friendship is very strong. Amin is a nurse who is still unmarried, although there is not a lack of suitors around him,