In order to track down the rebellious character Baizu, the fifth generation Hokage web player (voiced by Masashi Katsushita) ordered Yamato (voiced by Riya Koyama) to lead Sakura (voiced by Chiyoshi Nakamura), Naruto Vortex (voiced by Shunko Takeuchi), Sakai (voiced by Satoshi Hino) and others to Loulan. There is a dragon containing enormous energy hidden underground in Loulan
In order to track down the rebellious character Baizu, the fifth generation Hokage web player (voiced by Masashi Katsushita) ordered Yamato (voiced by Riya Koyama) to lead Sakura (voiced by Chiyoshi Nakamura), Naruto Vortex (voiced by Shunko Takeuchi), Sakai (voiced by Satoshi Hino) and others to Loulan. There is a dragon containing enormous energy hidden underground in Loulan