The plot of "The Demon Hunt" tells the story of Wen Zisheng (played by Zhuang Kaixun), a stormy detective who is responsible for investigating a headless female corpse case. When he encounters a cold female forensic doctor named Han Xuening (played by Shao Yuwei) who comes for an autopsy, they discover that the deceased had undergone breast augmentation surgery at the medical beauty clinic opened by Gao Junwei (played by Fu Mengbai). Han Xuening
The plot of "The Demon Hunt" tells the story of Wen Zisheng (played by Zhuang Kaixun), a stormy detective who is responsible for investigating a headless female corpse case. When he encounters a cold female forensic doctor named Han Xuening (played by Shao Yuwei) who comes for an autopsy, they discover that the deceased had undergone breast augmentation surgery at the medical beauty clinic opened by Gao Junwei (played by Fu Mengbai). Han Xuening