After the shooting of detective Katsuoka, Oyu (played by Takeshi Kitano) fled to Jeju Island under the protection of South Korean agent Chang Chang (played by Shinan Kanda). This extreme path, far from the Japanese martial arts world, has had a conflict with the young faction of the Hualing Society, Hua Tian (played by Pierre Long), due to a certain incident. At this time, Hualing will be replaced by Nomura, the son-in-law of the former president(
After the shooting of detective Katsuoka, Oyu (played by Takeshi Kitano) fled to Jeju Island under the protection of South Korean agent Chang Chang (played by Shinan Kanda). This extreme path, far from the Japanese martial arts world, has had a conflict with the young faction of the Hualing Society, Hua Tian (played by Pierre Long), due to a certain incident. At this time, Hualing will be replaced by Nomura, the son-in-law of the former president(