The timeline for this original story is set one year after the ending of the previous installment, so the husband of Akiko, who passed away due to illness in the previous installment, and the character played by Naofu Takeno, Ryoichi Miyamoto, will also reappear. One year after Ashiko returned to work, it was the autumn of 2019. Ashiko was in Osaka and Meixue was in Tokyo, and the two lived separately. Asia
The timeline for this original story is set one year after the ending of the previous installment, so the husband of Akiko, who passed away due to illness in the previous installment, and the character played by Naofu Takeno, Ryoichi Miyamoto, will also reappear. One year after Ashiko returned to work, it was the autumn of 2019. Ashiko was in Osaka and Meixue was in Tokyo, and the two lived separately. Asia