A new prosecutor with a strong sense of justice, Kiichiro Okano (played by Kazuya Nishimiya), greatly admires his mentor, Takuya Kami (played by Takuya Kimura). After years of experience, Okano finally succeeded in being transferred to the Criminal Investigation Department of the Tokyo District Prosecutors Office and became a capable general under his command. At the same time, Orange Sand Ear (Jigao)
A new prosecutor with a strong sense of justice, Kiichiro Okano (played by Kazuya Nishimiya), greatly admires his mentor, Takuya Kami (played by Takuya Kimura). After years of experience, Okano finally succeeded in being transferred to the Criminal Investigation Department of the Tokyo District Prosecutors Office and became a capable general under his command. At the same time, Orange Sand Ear (Jigao)