Berserk: The Golden Age Arc II - The Battle for Doldrey
Animated Movie
Animated Movie
Junji Kubooka
The Hundred Years War, with a sea of blood flowing across. After countless battlefield killings, Gus (voiced by Akira Iwaki), who once believed that he could survive in troubled times with his own strength, gradually established a deep sense of trust and friendship with his comrades such as Kasjia. The mercenary unit he was attached to, the Eagle Group, was soaring upwards, relying on the strength of the North Korean army
The Hundred Years War, with a sea of blood flowing across. After countless battlefield killings, Gus (voiced by Akira Iwaki), who once believed that he could survive in troubled times with his own strength, gradually established a deep sense of trust and friendship with his comrades such as Kasjia. The mercenary unit he was attached to, the Eagle Group, was soaring upwards, relying on the strength of the North Korean army