This film is directed by Huang Tailai and photographed by Huang Yuetai. The story describes that when Luo Mang, Yin Xianglin, Qianghan, Tang Zhenzong, and Zuo Yanling were illegally crossing to Hong Kong, Tang accidentally stepped on a trap and could not move. Luo and others tried to save them but were unsuccessful. Seeing the approaching troops, they had to abandon Tang and leave. After the four of them arrived at the port, the three men became gangsters and engaged in a private robbery
This film is directed by Huang Tailai and photographed by Huang Yuetai. The story describes that when Luo Mang, Yin Xianglin, Qianghan, Tang Zhenzong, and Zuo Yanling were illegally crossing to Hong Kong, Tang accidentally stepped on a trap and could not move. Luo and others tried to save them but were unsuccessful. Seeing the approaching troops, they had to abandon Tang and leave. After the four of them arrived at the port, the three men became gangsters and engaged in a private robbery