This work is the third installment in a series that visualizes Edogawa Rampo's short stories. This time, he was selected as "Ashi Appearing", "Abacus Passion", and "Non human Love". The directors are Sato Satoshi, Yoshida Mori, and Xiuping Sekigawa. Mitsuru Manjima will play the role of a seductive wicked woman, a simple clerk, and a young man who goes crazy with jealousy
This work is the third installment in a series that visualizes Edogawa Rampo's short stories. This time, he was selected as "Ashi Appearing", "Abacus Passion", and "Non human Love". The directors are Sato Satoshi, Yoshida Mori, and Xiuping Sekigawa. Mitsuru Manjima will play the role of a seductive wicked woman, a simple clerk, and a young man who goes crazy with jealousy