The story takes place in the early days of the Anti Japanese War in the ancient town of Jiangnan, where the Japanese invaders had already occupied North China and headed south. Under the orders of her parents, a young woman named Yulian (played by Shen Qiuyu) married into the Yin family. On the day she entered, her husband Yin Mingxuan, whom she had never met before, fled and joined the anti Japanese guerrilla forces. The face of the Yin family was greatly lost, and the hasty Yin family decided
The story takes place in the early days of the Anti Japanese War in the ancient town of Jiangnan, where the Japanese invaders had already occupied North China and headed south. Under the orders of her parents, a young woman named Yulian (played by Shen Qiuyu) married into the Yin family. On the day she entered, her husband Yin Mingxuan, whom she had never met before, fled and joined the anti Japanese guerrilla forces. The face of the Yin family was greatly lost, and the hasty Yin family decided