The film is adapted from the novel of the same name by Naoki Kane writer Inoue Araki, with the theme of "marriage fraud". Directed by Shinichi Nishitani and starring Fujioka Inoue, the film also stars Shinko, Yingriko Nakamura, Wataro Matsumoto, Yuki Ando, Kanji Kokukan, Kyuko Manda, and Shisui Kaneda. Fujioka Inoue plays the role of marriage fraudster Kenji Kobayashi, who is known as "the main character."
The film is adapted from the novel of the same name by Naoki Kane writer Inoue Araki, with the theme of "marriage fraud". Directed by Shinichi Nishitani and starring Fujioka Inoue, the film also stars Shinko, Yingriko Nakamura, Wataro Matsumoto, Yuki Ando, Kanji Kokukan, Kyuko Manda, and Shisui Kaneda. Fujioka Inoue plays the role of marriage fraudster Kenji Kobayashi, who is known as "the main character."