This film is adapted from the short story "Ghost City Head Case" by Tianxia Ba Singing. It tells the thrilling story of independent "Feng Shui Detectives" Duan Yuhao and Qi Wei, together with their childhood friends Guan Xiaoyue from the escort agency and the police chief's daughter Feng Lan, who bravely breaks through the "Rasha Bird Serial Murder Case" in Jingu City.
This film is adapted from the short story "Ghost City Head Case" by Tianxia Ba Singing. It tells the thrilling story of independent "Feng Shui Detectives" Duan Yuhao and Qi Wei, together with their childhood friends Guan Xiaoyue from the escort agency and the police chief's daughter Feng Lan, who bravely breaks through the "Rasha Bird Serial Murder Case" in Jingu City.