From a young age, Ichigo Kurosaki (played by Fuji Cangtai), who was different from ordinary people, encountered the female death goddess "Sakaki Lukia" (played by Sugizaki Hana) by a stroke of luck. Lucia is one of the soul collectors who lead souls from the real world to the realm of corpses. They have been fighting against these monsters to protect humanity from being invaded by the "void"
From a young age, Ichigo Kurosaki (played by Fuji Cangtai), who was different from ordinary people, encountered the female death goddess "Sakaki Lukia" (played by Sugizaki Hana) by a stroke of luck. Lucia is one of the soul collectors who lead souls from the real world to the realm of corpses. They have been fighting against these monsters to protect humanity from being invaded by the "void"