The popular anime "From the Abyss" has confirmed the release of two theatrical versions - "From the Abyss: Departing Dawn" and "From the Abyss: Wandering Twilight". In addition, the second season of the anime is also in production. "From the Abyss" is an adaptation of the manga of the same name from the original work of Tubi Zhangren. In the bottomless cave, various wonderful creatures reside
The popular anime "From the Abyss" has confirmed the release of two theatrical versions - "From the Abyss: Departing Dawn" and "From the Abyss: Wandering Twilight". In addition, the second season of the anime is also in production. "From the Abyss" is an adaptation of the manga of the same name from the original work of Tubi Zhangren. In the bottomless cave, various wonderful creatures reside