High school students Meng Kerou (played by Gui Lunmei) and Lin Yuezhen (played by Liang Shuhui) are close friends who talk about everything. Yuezhen tells Kerou that she has fallen in love with a boy named Zhang Shihao (played by Chen Bolin) and often asks Kerou to help her get close to Zhang Shihao, help her get to know him, and help pass on love letters. Unexpectedly, Zhang Shihao thought he was happy
High school students Meng Kerou (played by Gui Lunmei) and Lin Yuezhen (played by Liang Shuhui) are close friends who talk about everything. Yuezhen tells Kerou that she has fallen in love with a boy named Zhang Shihao (played by Chen Bolin) and often asks Kerou to help her get close to Zhang Shihao, help her get to know him, and help pass on love letters. Unexpectedly, Zhang Shihao thought he was happy