In the Blue Tiger series, Hiroshi Nakamura plays a member of the Japanese mafia named Masaki, who has a blue tiger tattoo on his body, hence the codename "Blue Tiger". His brother is also from the mafia and has a red tiger tattoo on his body. He put on a horror mask in a bookstore and shot many people, one of whom was a little boy about to turn 5 years old. Later on, the male
In the Blue Tiger series, Hiroshi Nakamura plays a member of the Japanese mafia named Masaki, who has a blue tiger tattoo on his body, hence the codename "Blue Tiger". His brother is also from the mafia and has a red tiger tattoo on his body. He put on a horror mask in a bookstore and shot many people, one of whom was a little boy about to turn 5 years old. Later on, the male