After experiencing the turbulent Meiji Restoration, Japan ushered in a new era. In the tenth year of the Meiji government, an ominous atmosphere permeated Tokyo. Virtuous industrialist Takeda Kanliu (played by Kagawa Asahi) manipulates female physician Gao Hehui (played by Aoi You) to develop a new type of opium, openly recruits underprivileged warriors, and purchases surrounding land in an organized manner
After experiencing the turbulent Meiji Restoration, Japan ushered in a new era. In the tenth year of the Meiji government, an ominous atmosphere permeated Tokyo. Virtuous industrialist Takeda Kanliu (played by Kagawa Asahi) manipulates female physician Gao Hehui (played by Aoi You) to develop a new type of opium, openly recruits underprivileged warriors, and purchases surrounding land in an organized manner