The original manga was created by Kiyoshi Kiyoshi and painted by Junko Tamura. In the live action version, Kiyoshi plays the protagonist, Ayumi Hirayama, who moves to Italy to live surrounded by her favorite chocolate. However, she accidentally gets involved in an accident. When she wakes up from a coma, she unexpectedly has a good figure that everyone envies. When she returns to Japan, she becomes very popular
The original manga was created by Kiyoshi Kiyoshi and painted by Junko Tamura. In the live action version, Kiyoshi plays the protagonist, Ayumi Hirayama, who moves to Italy to live surrounded by her favorite chocolate. However, she accidentally gets involved in an accident. When she wakes up from a coma, she unexpectedly has a good figure that everyone envies. When she returns to Japan, she becomes very popular