At the motel by the seaside in Koga, two lovers - Nobuyoshi (played by Hiroshi Kiyoshi) and Yukiko (played by Akiko Mori), Ayu (played by Ryuu Tamura) and Kanko (played by Hiroko Sakurai) - engage in a crazy game of changing wives, all of which are captured by the hotel manager Maki (played by Mori Kishida) through the camera in the room
At the motel by the seaside in Koga, two lovers - Nobuyoshi (played by Hiroshi Kiyoshi) and Yukiko (played by Akiko Mori), Ayu (played by Ryuu Tamura) and Kanko (played by Hiroko Sakurai) - engage in a crazy game of changing wives, all of which are captured by the hotel manager Maki (played by Mori Kishida) through the camera in the room