The film tells the story of a group of ostrich factory employees demanding payment at the end of the year. Various small characters fight against untrustworthy and unscrupulous creditors, tempting, grinding, pestering, arguing, harassing, suing, transferring, and causing trouble to the best of their ability. Accidents keep happening, and jokes abound! The Beautiful Ostrich Factory is on the brink of extinction due to excessive customer debt, leading to a decline in its farming operations
The film tells the story of a group of ostrich factory employees demanding payment at the end of the year. Various small characters fight against untrustworthy and unscrupulous creditors, tempting, grinding, pestering, arguing, harassing, suing, transferring, and causing trouble to the best of their ability. Accidents keep happening, and jokes abound! The Beautiful Ostrich Factory is on the brink of extinction due to excessive customer debt, leading to a decline in its farming operations