Due to a malfunction in Dr. Ashikaga's bathroom, Edogawa Conan (voiced by Takayama Nana) went to the Volkswagen bathhouse with Kolan (voiced by Yamazaki and Kana) and Ai Haibara (played by Huimei Lin) to take a shower. During this period, Conan accidentally slipped and hit his head, and was then taken away by two mysterious strangers. After a period of chaos, genius
Due to a malfunction in Dr. Ashikaga's bathroom, Edogawa Conan (voiced by Takayama Nana) went to the Volkswagen bathhouse with Kolan (voiced by Yamazaki and Kana) and Ai Haibara (played by Huimei Lin) to take a shower. During this period, Conan accidentally slipped and hit his head, and was then taken away by two mysterious strangers. After a period of chaos, genius