Riya Ono (played by Kui Miyazaki) encountered her groom running away at a wedding four years ago, but now her mood has calmed down and she has been living with her parents. His father Junzo (played by Matsudaira Shigehiro) used to be the head of the sales department of a pastry production company, but due to personnel changes, he has been transferred to another department, and the newly appointed head of that department is
Riya Ono (played by Kui Miyazaki) encountered her groom running away at a wedding four years ago, but now her mood has calmed down and she has been living with her parents. His father Junzo (played by Matsudaira Shigehiro) used to be the head of the sales department of a pastry production company, but due to personnel changes, he has been transferred to another department, and the newly appointed head of that department is