Osaki Nana (voiced by Park Lumei) is a punk young woman with a musical dream. She once formed the band Black Stones with her boyfriend Honsei Lian (voiced by Hideyoshi Munoi), her friend Takagi Tae (voiced by Kiyoshi Kawahara), and Nobuo Terajima (voiced by Shiichi Kan) in her hometown. Later, due to Lian's involvement in the popular band Tra
Osaki Nana (voiced by Park Lumei) is a punk young woman with a musical dream. She once formed the band Black Stones with her boyfriend Honsei Lian (voiced by Hideyoshi Munoi), her friend Takagi Tae (voiced by Kiyoshi Kawahara), and Nobuo Terajima (voiced by Shiichi Kan) in her hometown. Later, due to Lian's involvement in the popular band Tra