In 1941, the invading Japanese army launched a frenzy of "sweeping" and "clearing the countryside" towards the anti Japanese base areas. At the same time, Chiang Kai shek created the shocking Wannan Incident both domestically and internationally, sparking the second wave of "anti communism". The Chinese people's War of Resistance Against Japan entered the most difficult period. In order to break the attack of the invading Japanese army and the Nationalist Party
In 1941, the invading Japanese army launched a frenzy of "sweeping" and "clearing the countryside" towards the anti Japanese base areas. At the same time, Chiang Kai shek created the shocking Wannan Incident both domestically and internationally, sparking the second wave of "anti communism". The Chinese people's War of Resistance Against Japan entered the most difficult period. In order to break the attack of the invading Japanese army and the Nationalist Party