Adan (played by Chen Jiahua) is a college student who is upright and courageous, and admires the martial arts heroes in movies and novels. Recently, she and her friends Xiaomi (played by Fang Zhiyou) and Pei Pei (played by Lin Yingzhen) have launched an initiative in the name of protecting the happiness and health of their families, deciding to uphold chivalry and righteousness, eliminate violence and ensure good governance
Adan (played by Chen Jiahua) is a college student who is upright and courageous, and admires the martial arts heroes in movies and novels. Recently, she and her friends Xiaomi (played by Fang Zhiyou) and Pei Pei (played by Lin Yingzhen) have launched an initiative in the name of protecting the happiness and health of their families, deciding to uphold chivalry and righteousness, eliminate violence and ensure good governance