"The Empress Crashes into the Right" begins with the story of Meiqi (played by Zhou Xiuna), who grew up in a children's home since childhood. She worked as a hotel executive at the age of thirty, but she was cold hearted. Just as he was getting married to his boyfriend, one day his position and boyfriend were snatched away by his subordinate Michelle (played by Lu Mixue). When she was in the midst of her life
"The Empress Crashes into the Right" begins with the story of Meiqi (played by Zhou Xiuna), who grew up in a children's home since childhood. She worked as a hotel executive at the age of thirty, but she was cold hearted. Just as he was getting married to his boyfriend, one day his position and boyfriend were snatched away by his subordinate Michelle (played by Lu Mixue). When she was in the midst of her life