During the Anti Japanese War, a group of fugitives gathered in the northern plains. They established an underground kingdom under the leadership of their leader Fang Wangwang (played by Huang Xiaoming) and made a living by plundering. One day, they kidnapped a groom named Gao Dongliang (played by Zhang Yi) who was on his way to greet the bride. Surprisingly, Gao Dongliang was a tough guy,
During the Anti Japanese War, a group of fugitives gathered in the northern plains. They established an underground kingdom under the leadership of their leader Fang Wangwang (played by Huang Xiaoming) and made a living by plundering. One day, they kidnapped a groom named Gao Dongliang (played by Zhang Yi) who was on his way to greet the bride. Surprisingly, Gao Dongliang was a tough guy,