The story of "Po Shen Lu" is set in the chaotic period of the Republic of China during the Xinhai Revolution, where the demonic words of "gods and Buddhas in this world" misled the public. An evil force attempted to disrupt the four directions with psychedelic means. However, "heroes emerge from chaotic times", and among the ordinary people in the market, there are also true heroes who explore the truth, punish evil and promote good. They will work together to expose fraud and deception
The story of "Po Shen Lu" is set in the chaotic period of the Republic of China during the Xinhai Revolution, where the demonic words of "gods and Buddhas in this world" misled the public. An evil force attempted to disrupt the four directions with psychedelic means. However, "heroes emerge from chaotic times", and among the ordinary people in the market, there are also true heroes who explore the truth, punish evil and promote good. They will work together to expose fraud and deception