The story takes place thousands of years ago in Echizen Province, where the Zi clan (played by Yoshihiro Kobayashi) marries a much older husband and gives birth to a daughter named Hyunko. Her husband passed away shortly after marriage, and Zi lived a widowed life and began writing the novel "Tales of Genji". Shortly thereafter, Taoist Fujiwara summoned her to Kyoto to serve as the elder of his daughter Akiko
The story takes place thousands of years ago in Echizen Province, where the Zi clan (played by Yoshihiro Kobayashi) marries a much older husband and gives birth to a daughter named Hyunko. Her husband passed away shortly after marriage, and Zi lived a widowed life and began writing the novel "Tales of Genji". Shortly thereafter, Taoist Fujiwara summoned her to Kyoto to serve as the elder of his daughter Akiko