A pair of good friends, Meng Yun (played by Han Geng) and Yu Fei (played by Zheng Kai), both announced their breakup with their girlfriends over a small matter and refused to make amends, refusing to admit their mistakes. The two of them released their second spring of life in nightclubs, parties, and social networking apps, celebrating their "golden singlehood" and triggering a series of funny stories. Meng
A pair of good friends, Meng Yun (played by Han Geng) and Yu Fei (played by Zheng Kai), both announced their breakup with their girlfriends over a small matter and refused to make amends, refusing to admit their mistakes. The two of them released their second spring of life in nightclubs, parties, and social networking apps, celebrating their "golden singlehood" and triggering a series of funny stories. Meng