The film tells the story of the protagonist Ning Caichen, who is a teacher in Lanruozhen. He encounters Xiaoqian who is chased by a spirit hunter, and Xiaoqian is rescued by Ning Caichen. Ning Caichen believes that there is also a distinction between good and evil in spirits, and that human spirits can coexist peacefully. Helplessly, the Snake Spirit Grandma in the Spirit Realm intends to resurrect the dark leader Heishan, who has been sealed for many years, and once again execute and lead the Human Realm
The film tells the story of the protagonist Ning Caichen, who is a teacher in Lanruozhen. He encounters Xiaoqian who is chased by a spirit hunter, and Xiaoqian is rescued by Ning Caichen. Ning Caichen believes that there is also a distinction between good and evil in spirits, and that human spirits can coexist peacefully. Helplessly, the Snake Spirit Grandma in the Spirit Realm intends to resurrect the dark leader Heishan, who has been sealed for many years, and once again execute and lead the Human Realm