In the IPSC live shooting competition, police officer Zhuang Ziwei (played by Wu Yanzu) broke the competition record, but the new record was quickly rewritten by Hong Kong fund manager Guan Youbo (played by Louis Koo), who won the championship. After the game, Guan Youbo coincidentally encountered a masked criminal who robbed the payment truck, and the payment collector was killed by the criminal. At this time, a traffic police officer (company)
In the IPSC live shooting competition, police officer Zhuang Ziwei (played by Wu Yanzu) broke the competition record, but the new record was quickly rewritten by Hong Kong fund manager Guan Youbo (played by Louis Koo), who won the championship. After the game, Guan Youbo coincidentally encountered a masked criminal who robbed the payment truck, and the payment collector was killed by the criminal. At this time, a traffic police officer (company)