"The Love of Skincare" is a love thriller film directed by Takashi Miike and starring Ling Ishibashi and Eiji Shiina. The film is adapted from the novel of the same name by Japanese author Takashi Murakami and tells the story of a middle-aged man named Aoyama who, seven years after his wife's death, has the idea of remarriage. However, he experiences a terrifying event after meeting 24-year-old Mami Yamazaki. The film
"The Love of Skincare" is a love thriller film directed by Takashi Miike and starring Ling Ishibashi and Eiji Shiina. The film is adapted from the novel of the same name by Japanese author Takashi Murakami and tells the story of a middle-aged man named Aoyama who, seven years after his wife's death, has the idea of remarriage. However, he experiences a terrifying event after meeting 24-year-old Mami Yamazaki. The film