Lu Xueni (played by Yu Nan) is a senior executive of a Japanese company. Recently, the passing of her Japanese mother has dealt a heavy blow to her body and mind. During the day, she was dazed and often woke up from terrifying nightmares. Originally, her mother was an orphan left behind by war. For many years, Sydney has been walking step by step with her lonely mother and young son (played by Shao He Zhijie)
Lu Xueni (played by Yu Nan) is a senior executive of a Japanese company. Recently, the passing of her Japanese mother has dealt a heavy blow to her body and mind. During the day, she was dazed and often woke up from terrifying nightmares. Originally, her mother was an orphan left behind by war. For many years, Sydney has been walking step by step with her lonely mother and young son (played by Shao He Zhijie)