Chen Lipin (played by Zhong Zhentao), a wealthy son living in Hawaii, has a shy personality and is never satisfied with his love life. Therefore, he invites his old friend from Hong Kong, Luo Danduo (played by Chen Baixiang), to provide on-site guidance. The two of them stumbled upon beautiful kittens (played by Zhang Manyu) and Ah Mei (played by Zhong Chuhong) on the beach, attempting to chat but failing. Chen Father's Order
Chen Lipin (played by Zhong Zhentao), a wealthy son living in Hawaii, has a shy personality and is never satisfied with his love life. Therefore, he invites his old friend from Hong Kong, Luo Danduo (played by Chen Baixiang), to provide on-site guidance. The two of them stumbled upon beautiful kittens (played by Zhang Manyu) and Ah Mei (played by Zhong Chuhong) on the beach, attempting to chat but failing. Chen Father's Order