In an inconspicuous magic bar in Tokyo, Hiroshi Ohira (played by Yoshihiro Oizumi), who has been performing magic for nearly 20 years, is still struggling at the bottom. He, who was hesitant to express himself in words, couldn't showcase himself well. Looking at the younger generation who rose to fame, Qingfu felt mixed emotions in his heart. On this day, he unexpectedly received a call from the police station, realizing that he had lost contact
In an inconspicuous magic bar in Tokyo, Hiroshi Ohira (played by Yoshihiro Oizumi), who has been performing magic for nearly 20 years, is still struggling at the bottom. He, who was hesitant to express himself in words, couldn't showcase himself well. Looking at the younger generation who rose to fame, Qingfu felt mixed emotions in his heart. On this day, he unexpectedly received a call from the police station, realizing that he had lost contact