"Please Call Me the Savior" tells the story of a destitute cartoonist named Liu Shen (played by Zhang Yuxuan) who accidentally witnesses the invasion of extraterrestrial apostles. At a critical moment, the student goddess Wu Shaojun (played by Sun Shuang) saves him by piloting the Doomsday Mech One, but the Earth cannot escape the ravages of the apostles in order to save the Earth
"Please Call Me the Savior" tells the story of a destitute cartoonist named Liu Shen (played by Zhang Yuxuan) who accidentally witnesses the invasion of extraterrestrial apostles. At a critical moment, the student goddess Wu Shaojun (played by Sun Shuang) saves him by piloting the Doomsday Mech One, but the Earth cannot escape the ravages of the apostles in order to save the Earth