The film humorously and absurdly tells the story of the life experiences and emotional journey of middle-aged worker Li Qiao: Li Qiao, who is despised by his wife at home and bullied by colleagues at work, falls into a low point in his life. He accidentally wins a huge prize of 30 million yuan, and in order not to share it equally with his wife, Li Qiao conspires with his partners to perform a hilarious performance
The film humorously and absurdly tells the story of the life experiences and emotional journey of middle-aged worker Li Qiao: Li Qiao, who is despised by his wife at home and bullied by colleagues at work, falls into a low point in his life. He accidentally wins a huge prize of 30 million yuan, and in order not to share it equally with his wife, Li Qiao conspires with his partners to perform a hilarious performance