Crow School Suzuki High School, the war is reigniting in the new academic year. The powerful and terrifying Qiang Roche (played by Yomiya Yoshiaki) takes on a series of challenges to destroy opponents, gradually moving towards the pinnacle of Suzuki. At the same time, after defeating the Four Heavenly Kings of the Burning Eight Business, Dysprosium Tornado Xiong (played by Dong Chuchang Da) transferred to Suzuki and became a clever little Qixu with a bright mind
Crow School Suzuki High School, the war is reigniting in the new academic year. The powerful and terrifying Qiang Roche (played by Yomiya Yoshiaki) takes on a series of challenges to destroy opponents, gradually moving towards the pinnacle of Suzuki. At the same time, after defeating the Four Heavenly Kings of the Burning Eight Business, Dysprosium Tornado Xiong (played by Dong Chuchang Da) transferred to Suzuki and became a clever little Qixu with a bright mind