A 14-year-old girl named Miyagi Hiroshi (played by Rina Nen) grew up in a single parent family without a father. Her mother (played by Kana Kimura) and former lover Suzuki (played by Masayoshi Ozawa) are inseparable, but she is indifferent to her daughter's life and emotions. In school, with Hikari and the rumored transfer student Moriya Eri surrounded by rumors
A 14-year-old girl named Miyagi Hiroshi (played by Rina Nen) grew up in a single parent family without a father. Her mother (played by Kana Kimura) and former lover Suzuki (played by Masayoshi Ozawa) are inseparable, but she is indifferent to her daughter's life and emotions. In school, with Hikari and the rumored transfer student Moriya Eri surrounded by rumors